Tonight was 'Football Frenzy' night at the Flying Squirrels game at the Diamond. As guest fan judge for the Lady Raider auditions I was able to attend for free and judge a short dance routine prior to the National Anthem.
Luckily for me just before entering the stadium to take my seat as guest judge, who should arrive but one Wes McElroy. Immediately I darted over to the Sports AM 910 tent and cornered him. After waiting a few minutes for Wes to end his conversation with Gary Criswell, I introduced myself. He was very friendly and I did apologize to him for being a jerk on this blog. He understood and said it was part of his job (also something was said about the 1st amendment). After the small talk subsided I got straight to the point. I flat out asked Wes if he had ever attended a Raider game. Surprisingly he never has. That is when I made Wes an offer he could not refuse. He would attend the Raider home opener in March of 2012 at no cost to him and as my guest. He accepted.
In March of 2012 one Wesley Adam McElroy will discover how incredible sitting on the dasher wall at a Raider game really is.
Sadly, the experience you are hoping he will get is not likely the experience he'll get.